Tuesday, March 3, 2009

from sandy feet to snow and sleet

One great thing about a trip to Mexico in the depth of February is the escape from the sometimes harsh Northeastern winter.

The bad part is the return to multiple feet of snow!

We are strongly considering a permanent move to southwesten coast of mexico; with its many palaps, avocados stuffed with shrimp, racilla and bogey-boarding. Yes, the temporary departure from the sub-feeezing temperatures to literal weather perfection was wonderful. But we did miss our new home, and have now retruened, trading flip-flops for grotex lined boots; sand pails for snow shovels; and yes it is a bit odd to have a sun-burn while speading salt over icey steps...

Below are a few shots from our lovely getaway. Be sure to check out the link to our friends who call Arroyo Seco home!

Our Casa for the trip
View of the entryway
Beach-Side view of the funky lil' shack

View from the lower porch out to the harbor

T.C. and Big M back from a morning fishing trip with the catch in hand

Ladies on whale / dolphin watch

Also a great spot to catch the nightly sunset show.. still no Green Flash

One of our favorite local "Gringo" restaurants... home of the Marta-Ritta!

All in all, a great vacation. We can't wait for a return visit!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like heaven! Glad you had a good trip and a safe return...
